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What an exciting week! The Pines & Maples crew has wonderful news to report!

As of Friday, January 4, 2013, alumnae and friends of the College have given more than $46,500! To everyone who has contributed to the Double It! Matching Fund, THANK YOU! After the special meeting of the Alumnae Association on Saturday, January 5, Cami Rawleigh, Vice President for Institutional Advancement, told us that donations continue to come in quickly.

For those of you who have not yet contributed, please consider giving to the Double It! Matching Fund now. Let's keep the momentum going through Thursday, January 10, when the fund closes, and show the Board of Trustees that Wilson Women care about their alma mater. Because the deadline is so close, it probably is best to donate online (see instructions on the Double It! page on the Pines & Maples website).

Can we reach 150 donors? With your help, we can!

During the special meeting of the Alumnae Association on January 5, alumnae created four task forces to improve recruitment, retention, marketing, and fundraising at Wilson. We've added a new Task Forces page on the Pines & Maples website where you can read the ideas for each task force, decide where to contribute your talents and energy, and sign up to help.

A lot of hard work went into that meeting: Everyone put aside their differences and worked together. Thank you to ALL of the women who made this day a success. Special thanks to Lori Fedorczyk '94 for not only handling the audio and video feed, but for also putting up with all of the messages that we were sending to her during the meeting.

A final note: Alumnae and friends will be gathering in Lenfest Commons on Sunday, January 13 to await the decision from the Board of Trustees. Please Come Home to Wilson for this important moment for Wilson's future.

Firmly pledged to love and honor...

Deborah Barnes '71
Melissa Behm '76
Kendal Hopkins '80
Nicole Noll '03
Carol Noon '87

P.S. Please excuse duplicate messages. This information is also circulating via the Class Correspondents—we thought you'd rather be informed twice than not at all.